I wrote my premier book, “Red Alert: Is He The One?: Pocket Guide To Finding The Love of Your Life,” in 2017. I didn't think much about it when God said to write it. It's about resetting my life after divorce. It shares some of the strategies and actionable steps I took to get me whole.
I was surprised by the calls I began to receive from the contact information in the back of the book. One call came from an amazing woman whose name is Mita Moody. Mita helped me get clear about what God was truly doing with the book. She hosted me on her Comcast TV show. She set up a book reading event which was amazing. Seeing the reactions from so many men and women as I read my story…I have no words for it. I had no idea how impactful the information I wrote would be on the hearts of so many people.
That book reading sparked several workshops where I shared the strategies and actionable steps. From those workshops, bigger platforms began to unfold like the Blacks In Government National Training Institute. I taught the strategies and actionable steps from my book to over 100 people. The appreciation and thanks I received were overwhelming. So many people reached out to me after the classes. I taught several classes at that first training conference. This prompted me to create a virtual course called Navigating Life After Divorce. I was blown away by the number of people that found this topic so interesting.
I was told by many that I should have a Facebook group. I had no clue what that meant or what to do. So, I joined a group that was in line with what I do. The lady that started the group invited me to be an admin. Everything in me said to say yes. I know that was God because He has always forced me to move past my comfort zone.
I am an introvert at heart, so the thought of engaging with over 900 people was intimidating to me. In my soul I felt God’s prompting say, “remember what I promised. I will never leave you nor forsake you.” With fear and trembling, I accepted the role of admin and prayed for the group for the next six months. I shared some strategies and actionable steps along the way, but nowhere near what I had done in the book, the workshops, or the course. God is so amazing and faithful when you follow His lead.
The group grew to over 20,000 people in 9 months. That was mind-blowing. Authors, speakers, and coaches began reaching out to me asking how I grew the group to that magnitude in such a short period of time. I told them it was prayer. Many shrugged me off. Several thought I was lying and didn't want to share some secret strategy. When you partner with the Creator of the Universe, He is your whole strategy. Now, I'm faced with a new experience that puts me further into the deep.
I am excited about what’s to come and ask that you pray with me along the way. Thanks again to all of those that have supported me and continue to support me.