Memorial Day is a time of remembrance. As we take a moment today to remember those that sacrificed their lives for America, we can’t help but remember other loved ones that are no longer here. It’s ok to still feel sorrow and miss them.
For those that are having difficulty with this day, fill your minds with beauty and truth. Meditate on whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is good, whatever is virtuous and praiseworthy. This will ease the ache in your soul.
Honor them with how you are living. Be clear about the legacy that you are currently creating. At some point, people will look back over your life.
Are you living a life you want to be remembered for?
Are you sharing and developing values you want to be passed along?
If not, take a moment now and remember what honorable, pure, and praiseworthy thing your loved ones left you. Choose to learn the lessons you need to share what is lovely and good with others. Live your life in such a way that your living is not in vain.
My memories of my grandmother forced me to be intentional with my actions so those around me are blessed. Looking at the history of my heritage compels me to stand in truth and good. Memorial Day reminds me to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to my own interests but to the interests of the others.
This year is truly sealing these thoughts in my mind, with all that has happened in the country and all the lives that were given because of it.
I remember…
McKinley Bright, Sr.
Saul Taylor
Harry Thomas, Sr.
Lincoln Lee
Melvin H. Hawkins
Milton N. Scott, Sr.
And others also…
Williamae C. Simms
Essie Jenkins Davis
Edna Tolson
Susan Miller
Charlotte Hawkins
Lillie Mae Howell
As well as many others.