You said you'd love me forever
You didn't
You said we'd be a family
We weren't
You said it would always be us against the world
Not true
So, here I stand alone
Here I stand bruised
Here I stand lost
But you know what
This too shall pass
This hurt won't last
This moment is temporary, because in me is a strength I didn't know existed
In me is a power, I didn't know would reign
In me is a love, that can't be contained
So, I stand in my strength
I stand in my power
I stand in my love
Yes, mine
I always had it
I always will
I shared it with you
and I'm free to share it again
So, I forgive you for trying to break me
I forgive you for not knowing how to truly love me
I forgive you
Because it frees me
To be my Amazing, Phenomenal self